Saturday, 10 October 2020




1. Which of the following is not ‘Biparental’ ?

(A) Tidal Hypothesis 

(B) Planetesimal Hypothesis

(C) Dynamic encounter theory 

(D) Protoplanet Hypothesis

2. The most accurately known physical parameter in the deep Earth is

(A) Density 

(B) Elastic modulii

(C) Seismic wave velocity 

(D) Gravity

3. Which of the following are most radioactive ?

(A) Younger acidic rocks 

(B) Younger basic rocks

(C) Older acidic rocks 

(D) Older basic rocks

4. The flattest portion of the Earth’s surface is formed by

(A) Abyssal Plains 

(B) Abyssal Hills

(C) Sea Mounts 

(D) Oceanic Trenches

5. The African Plate is composed of

(A) Continental Crust

(B) Oceanic Crust

(C) Combination of both continental as well as oceanic crust

(D) None of the above

6. Iceland is an exposed part of

(A) Mid-oceanic ridges 

(B) Island arcs

(C) Shield areas 

(D) Plateaus

7. Pahoehoe is a type of

(A) Stony meteorite 

(B) Volcanic crator

(C) Ropy lava 

(D) Blocky lava

8. The sand dunes migrate in the

(A) Leeward direction

(B) Windward direction

(C) Both Leeward and Windward directions

(D) None of the above

9. Migmatites are mixed rocks which contain features of rock ?

(A) Pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks

(B) Plutonic and regional metamorphic rocks

(C) Contact metamorphic and diagenetic rocks

(D) Regional metamorphic and igneous extrusive rocks

10. The primary mineral constituents of rocks of mafic and ultramafic (more mafic than mafic) composition necessarily contain the following elements.

(A) magnesium, silicon, aluminium, oxygen

(B) iron, aluminium, silicon, oxygen.

(C) silicon, oxygen, iron, manganese

(D) oxygen, magnesium, silicon, iron

11. The process by which sediment becomes a sedimentary rock is known as

(A) petrification 

(B) carbonization

(C) compaction 

(D) lithification

12. Which type of volcano would be the least explosive ?

(A) cinder cone 

(B) strato volcano

(C) shield volcano 

(D) composite cone

13. The Krol-Tal sequence of the lesser Himalaya is important for the demacration of

(A) Permian-Triassic 

(B) Precambrian-Cambrian

(C) Silurian-Devonian 

(D) Plio-Pleistocene

14. Lithosphere is thinnest below :

(A) Himalayas 

(B) Mariana trench

(C) Mid-oceanic ridges 

(D) Canadian Shield

15. Which of the following mass wasting does the maximum geomorphic work ?

(A) Avalanche 

(B) Debris Flow 

(C) Creep 

(D) Slide


16. Ophitic texture represents :

(A) Intergrowth of quartz and K-Feldspar

(B) Vermicular quartz in Plagioclase

(C) Intergrown Albite in K-Feldspar

(D) Augite grains enclosed by lath of Plagioclase

17. Among the following commercial asbestos is

(A) Chrysotile 

(B) Cryolite 

(C) Cristobalite 

(D) Chaistolite

18. Index mineral Omphacite represent which facies ?

(A) Green Schist 

(B) Amphibolite

(C) Eclogite 

(D) Granulite

19. When the minimum principal stress (σ3) is vertical, the resultant fault is

(A) Thrust 

(B) Oblique-Slip 

(C) Normal 

(D) Strike-slip

20. Match the following Plutonic rocks with their volcanic equivalents

P. Granite       1. Trachyte

Q. Diorite       2. Rhyolite

R. Syenite       3. Dacite

S. Granodiorite  4. Andesite

Codes :

      P Q R S

(A) 2 4 1 3

(B) 1 3 2 4

(C) 1 2 3 4

(D) 3 1 4 2

21. Scratches produced on the fault planes are

(A) Plumose structure 

(B) Mullions

(C) Slickensides 

(D) Boudins

22. The reservoir rock for Bombay High petroleum is

(A) Graywacke 

(B) Limestone

(C) Orthoquartzites 

(D) Sandstone

23. Which of the following is formed as a result of tectonic forces ?

(A) Hanging valley 

(B) V-shaped valley

(C) Rift valley 

(D) Blind valley

24. Which of the following earthquake waves are most destructive ?

(A) S-waves 

(B) P-waves 

(C) R-waves 

(D) L-waves

25. The theory of plate tectonics does not help to explain the origin and location of which one of the following ?

(A) Earthquakes 

(B) Mountains

(C) Ocean currents 

(D) Major sea floor features


26. Which among the following is not suitable for determining top and bottom in layered rocks ?

(A) Wave ripples 

(B) Syngenetic concretion

(C) Flow cast 

(D) Mud cracks

27. Horizontal Jurassic beds lie over horizontal Devonian beds; the contact is also horizontal. The contact represents :

(A) Not an unconformity 

(B) A nonconformity

(C) A paraconformity 

(D) A disconformity

28. Valley-in-valley best represents :

(A) Erosion 

(B) Meandering 

(C) Rejuvenation 

(D) Deposition

29. Development of foliation in a metamorphic rocks is mainly a function of

(A) Stress and temperature

(B) Lithostatic pressure and temperature

(C) Temperature and chemically active fluids

(D) Chemically active fluids and stress

30. Most of the current structures in sandy sediments have been formed by flows that are

(A) Turbulent and rapid 

(B) Turbulent and tranquil

(C) Laminar and rapid 

(D) Laminar and tranquil

31. Which one of the following is the main basis of classification of

sedimentary rocks ?

(A) Environment of deposition

(B) Texture

(C) Source of sedimentary material

(D) Process of formation of sedimentary material

32. In modern oceans, the removal of dissolved silica is principally carried out by

(A) Radiolaria 

(B) Silicoflagellates

(C) Diatoms 

(D) Sponges

33. Calderas are

(A) Depression on the top of volcanic cones

(B) A chain of active volcanoes

(C) Craters of very large size

(D) Subsidiary volcanic cones near the vent

34. A beach of sand or gravel that connects two islands, or an island with the mainland is termed :

(A) Tombolo 

(B) Gloup 

(C) Bar 

(D) Groyne

35. Trapezohedron is a form that occurs in

(A) Hexagonal System 

(B) Trigonal System

(C) Tetragonal System 

(D) All of the above


36. Landslides involve

(A) Down slope movement of individual rock blocks which is usually not perceptible.

(B) Rapid perceptible movement of relatively dry mass of earth debris or bed rock.

(C) Slow to very rapid movement of water saturated rock debris.

(D) Slow-flowing down slope masses of rock debris saturated with water.

37. Which of the following pairs is not a correct match of desert and country/continent ?

(A) Atacama desert-South America 

(B) Gobi desert-Central Asia

(C) Sonoran-West Asia desert 

(D) Great Victorian-Australia desert

38. Chemical weathering is more effective than mechanical weathering in

(A) Semi-arid region 

(B) Arid region

(C) Coastal region 

(D) Cool temperate region

39. Which one of the following atmospheric layers reflects radio waves that are transmitted from the earth again back to the earth ?

(A) Mesosphere 

(B) Ionosphere 

(C) Troposphere 

(D) Stratosphere

40. The average temperature of the surface water of the oceans is

(A) 22 °

(B) 15 °

(C) 26.7 °

(D) 18.6 °C

41. Which of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics ?

(A) sea-floor topography 

(B) ocean currents

(C) Coriolis effect 

(D) atmospheric temperatures

42. In geological studies, a fault in the earth’s surface along which primarily horizontal movement has taken place is termed ?

(A) overthrust fault 

(B) strike-slip fault

(C) reverse fault 

(D) None of the above

43. The disappearance of the dinosaurs also marks the end of which geological era ?

(A) Precambrian 

(B) Cambrian 

(C) Mesozoic 

(D) Cenozoic

44. Age of Gondwana group of rocks is

(A) Ordovician to Cretaceous 

(B) Carboniferous to Cretaceous

(C) Cambrian to Silurian 

(D) Ordovician to Permian

45. Siwalik group of rocks represent

(A) Sandstone & Mudstone

(B) S. Stone & Conglomerate

(C) S. Stone, Conglomerate & Mudstone

(D) None of these


46. Lamellibranchs belong to phylum

(A) Protozoa 

(B) Mollusca 

(C) Arthropoda 

(D) Bryozoa

47. Which man is known as Homosapiens ?

(A) Sinanthropus 

(B) Cro-Magnon

(C) Neanderthal 

(D) Ramapithecus

48. Upper Gondwana rocks are characterized by

(A) Glossopteris 

(B) Vertebraria 

(C) Ptillophylum 

(D) Gangamopteris

49. Trace fossils are also known as

(A) Organic fossils 

(B) Ichno fossils

(C) Both (A) & (B) 

(D) None of these

50. Which period is known as age of fish ?

(A) Silurian 

(B) Devonian 

(C) Triassic 

(D) Carboniferous

51. The metal content of an ore is called

(A) Gangue 

(B) Tenor 

(C) Deposit 

(D) Adit

52. “Witwatersrand” (S.Africa) is famous for

(A) Copper Deposit 

(B) Sedimentary Mn and Fe deposit

(C) Sedimentary Uranium Deposit 

(D) Coal deposits

53. Placer deposits at the foot of a slope are

(A) Alluvial 

(B) Eluvial 

(C) Eolian 

(D) Lacustarine

54. Coral Reefs are generally found in the latitudinal extensions of

(A) 20°N – 20°

(B) 30°N – 30°

(C) 45°N – 45°

(D) 60°N – 60°S

55. Radial drainage patterns are associated with

(A) Slope of volcanoes

(B) Strongly folded rocks

(C) Uniformly dipping beds of varying rock hardness

(D) Homogenous rock surfaces of uniform resistance


56. ‘Natural levee’ is an example of

(A) Point-bar deposit 

(B) Channel fill deposit

(C) Flood plain deposit 

(D) Flood basin deposit

57. The horse-shoe shaped lakes formed in the cut-off meanders of a river are known as

(A) Oxbow lakes 

(B) Mort lakes

(C) Billabongs 

(D) All of the above

58. ‘Luster’ is defined as the appearance of a mineral in

(A) White light 

(B) Monochromatic light

(C) Incident light 

(D) Reflected light

59. Quartz is

(A) Strongly magnetic 

(B) Weakly magnetic

(C) Non-magnetic 

(D) None of these

60. Olivine alters to serpentine on the addition of

(A) H2

(B) SiO2 

(C) H2O and SiO

(D) None of these

61. Approximately how long ago did the Big Bang take place ?

(A) 10-15 thousand years ago 

(B) 10-15 million years ago

(C) 100-150 million years ago 

(D) 10-15 billion years ago

62. Under intense pressure and high temperature, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. This process is called

(A) Nuclear fusion 

(B) Nuclear fission

(C) Metamorphism 

(D) Convection

63. The process by which an originally homogeneous Earth developed a dense core and a light crust is called

(A) Metamorphism 

(B) Differentiation

(C) Accretion 

(D) Compression

64. How thick is the crust of the Earth ?

(A) about 4 miles 

(B) about 4 km

(C) about 40 km 

(D) about 400 km

65. What drives the Earth’s internal heat engine ?

(A) Radioactivity 

(B) Solar energy

(C) Volcanoes 

(D) Ocean tides


66. Igneous rocks are formed by the

(A) Cooling, hardening and crystallizing of various kinds of lavas

(B) Consolidation of fragmentary rock materials and the products of their decomposition by water

(C) Action of intense heat and high pressure of both resulting in considerable change the texture and mineral composition

(D) Weathering

67. Soils with high pH are generally deficient in :

(A) Zn & Mn 

(B) B & Fe 

(C) Cu & Mo 

(D) Ca & Mg

68. The unconsolidate material in the underlying rock is called :

(A) Negolith 

(B) Soil 

(C) Solum 

(D) Earth

69. Assertion (A) : The same type of parent material produces different types of soils in areas of different climates.

Reason (R) : The climate plays a very important role in soil formation.

(A) (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A).

(B) (A) and (R) are true, but (R) does not explain (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

70. The _______ present in the soil contributes to the fertility of soil.

(A) Gravel 

(B) Humus 

(C) Silt 

(D) Clay

71. The core of the Earth is rich in ______.

(A) Silica 

(B) Aluminium 

(C) Magnesium 

(D) Iron & Nickel

72. ‘Granite’ is an example of

(A) Igneous rock 

(B) Sedimentary rock

(C) Metamorphic rock 

(D) None of these

73. Nilgiris and Rajmahal mountains are classified as _____.

(A) Fold mountains 

(B) Block mountains

(C) Volcanic mountains 

(D) Residual or dissected mountains

74. ‘Krakatoa’ and ‘Fujiyama’ are the examples of

(A) Active volcanoes 

(B) Dormant volcanoes

(C) Extinct volcanoes 

(D) Local winds

75. The step like appearance of Deccan traps is due to

(A) Differential composition 

(B) Weathering

(C) Presence of large cavities 

(D) Both (A) and (B)

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76. The entire skeleton of coral is described as

(A) Polyp 

(B) Theca 

(C) Corallum 

(D) Corallite

77. The fossil of archaeopteryx was discovered from

(A) Triassic rocks of Assam 

(B) Jurassic rocks of Bavaria

(C) Cretaceous rocks of Texas 

(D) Permian rocks of Russia

78. The Elephas is

(A) African elephant 

(B) Ethopian elephant

(C) Indian elephant 

(D) Australian elephant

79. Stromatolites are

(A) Fungi 

(B) Green bacterial

(C) Blue green algae 

(D) Blue green ostracod

80. Deposits that form when the ice in a glacier melts are called

(A) Drifts 

(B) Dunes 

(C) Veins 

(D) Cirques

81. _____ is the name of the partly melted rock layer on which the plates move.

(A) Lithosphere 

(B) Asthenosphere

(C) Hydrosphere 

(D) Outer core

82. _____ is the pair of minerals always found in granites.

(A) Muscovite and Calcite 

(B) Quartz and Orthoclase

(C) Hornblende and Talc 

(D) Augite and Magnetite

83. The layer of earth immediately below the crust is called _______

(A) Outer mantle 

(B) Inner mantle

(C) Inner core 

(D) Outer core

84. _____ river does not make a delta.

(A) Mahanadi 

(B) Godavari 

(C) Tapti 

(D) Ganga

85. Organic deposits made by living or dead organisms that form rock elevation like a ridge are known as

(A) Corals 

(B) Canyons 

(C) Reefs 

(D) Guyots

86. Name the Super Continent to which all of the land mass on earth was joined approximately 600 million years ago ?

(A) Laurasia 

(B) Nebula 

(C) Pangaea 

(D) Gondwana Land

87. If the limbs of fold are unequal and inclined to axial plane, the fold is

(A) Recumbent 

(B) Inclined

(C) Monoclinal 

(D) Asymmetrical

88. When the younger bed completely covers the underlying bed, the structure is

(A) Off lap 

(B) Over lap 

(C) On lap 

(D) Over step

89. Primary foliations form during

(A) crystallization of magma 

(B) after crystallization of magma

(C) during folding 

(D) during jointing

90. Analysis of fold can be performed by use of

(A) Beta diagrams 

(B) Pi diagrams

(C) Both beta and Pi diagrams 

(D) None of these

91. Among all the Himalayan thrust,. which shows highest value of strain ?

(A) MBT 

(B) MCT 

(C) HFT 

(D) All of the above

92. Which of the following regions is known as the ‘carbon sink’ of the globe ?

(A) Antarctica 

(B) Savanna

(C) N.W. Europe 

(D) Tropical rainforest

93. Who among the following expounded the concept that “the present is the key to the past” ?

(A) Buffon 

(B) Lyell 

(C) Hutton 

(D) Play fair

94. The convergence of two continental plates would produce

(A) island arcs 

(B) rift valleys

(C) folded mountains 

(D) trenches

95. A rift valley is evidence of which kind of plate boundary ?

(A) convergent 

(B) divergent 

(C) transform 

(D) uniform

96. Unique shape of the earth is called

(A) Spheroid 

(B) Geoid 

(C) Ellipsoid 

(D) None of these

97. In paleomagnetic study which is of great significance regarding remanant magnetism ?

(A) Its bearing and plunge 

(B) Its plunge only

(C) Rock composition 

(D) Both (B) and (C)

98. A flat topped seamount is known as

(A) Gyre 

(B) Lahare 

(C) Guyot 

(D) Kane

99. Deep sea trenches are features of

(A) Indian Ocean 

(B) Atlantic Ocean 

(C) Arctic Ocean 

(D) Pacific Ocean

100. Coral reefs are

(A) Inorganic deposits 

(B) Sub-organic deposits

(C) Organic deposits 

(D) All of the above



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